First, I relearned some concepts of OER, Wiley & Hilton clearly explained how 5Rs (Retain, Reuse, Revise, Remix, Redistribute) in the instructional setting.
OER is not just a free resource, it can also help teachers and students to further their development. OER-enabled pedagogies allow students to continuously supplement their project, so that the content becomes richer and more completed. I think it is a good way to for the learning. Students may not learn or experience enough when they do their assignment at the beginning. After they have gained some new knowledge from other courses, they can share the new opinion with the future students. Furthermore, students can participate in organizing, collating and creating OER (Wiley & Hilton, 2018). Open learning is very flexible in this regard. For example, our showcase is an assignment to rearrange and edit after learning more. I think it is really useful and meaningful.
Wiley, D. & Hilton, J. (2018). Defining OER-enabled Pedagogy. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 19(4).
You have a good understanding for OER. I saw you did a good job on explaining what is OER, but may be you can introduce more on ” how students can engage into OER”. This could be more helpful for me to understand what is OER. Thanks!
Hi Fenghua,
In your discussion, you briefly talked about the effect of OER-enabled pedagogy. It is true that these resources are beneficial for students to expand their understanding towards specific topics in the process of learning. And at the same time, their excellent artwork can be used by teachers in the following course as examples. This develops the subsequent semesters and improves the course quality.